pros: fewer leaders but very customizable, lots of different worker improvements, lots of resources, deep tech tree. pros: fewer leaders but very customizable, lots Having now played a few games of this, I will say Beyond Earth is good if a bit limited. Having now played a few games of this, I will say Beyond Earth is good if a bit limited. A couple more sponsors -A scenario with a sentient planet. Here is my wishlish for the G&K sized expansion that should be coming -More mixed affinity unit upgrades or units, more units for pure routes to compensate. The affinity system is awesome, and I like how it mixes. I find myself conflicted far more often than in civ, not to mention it can be very situation based. The web and technologies they have change everything. The tech web is probably my favorites system, I have always been a large science player. I for one love that they made culture more useful in a game play sense, they made espionage what it use to be back in the old days. They are two quite different games though. I think far too many will group it with Civ 5 for using the same engine. I feel like if this had come out and Civ 5 was not a thing, it would had been held as revolutionary. A great throwback for Alpha Centauri fans! The new mechanics and atmosphere really separate it from other Civ titles, and really the themes A great throwback for Alpha Centauri fans! The new mechanics and atmosphere really separate it from other Civ titles, and really the themes remind me a lot more of Alpha centauri.