This Dissertation Thesis was written as a part of the MA in the Classical Archaeology and the Ancient History of Macedonia at the International Hellenic University.

Finally, the overall study of the data will lead to a conclusion concerning the importance of the deities for the citizens of Macedonia. Lastly, a particular kind of grave offerings bearing the name of Persephone namely the gold lamellae that have been discovered in different parts of Macedonia and seem to have held a special meaning to their owners will be discussed. More specifically, the frescoes depicting her, found in the tomb of “Persephone” at Vergina, the tumulus Kasta at Amphipolis, the tomb of “Eurydice” at Vergina/Aigae and the one of the “Palmettes” along with their available contexts will be described and examined. Subsequently, another area of the people’s life in which a religious belief could manifest itself will be explored the one associated with their funerary customs and eschatological beliefs, in which Persephone is the protagonist. Firstly, the remains of the sanctuaries of Dion, Pella, Lete and Amphipolis will be described and conclusions regarding the content of the two goddesses’ worship will be drawn. So, our study will be limited solely to the archaeological findings: the moveable artifacts and the architectural remains. So, the present paper would aim to examine different aspects of their worship in the area.Unfortunately, no literary sources describing them have survived.
In recent years several studies have been made concerning the religious beliefs of Macedonians, none of them, however, focuses on the duo of Demeter and Persephone. This dissertation was written as part of the MA in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History of Macedonia held in the International Hellenic University.